


  • 公司: 济南鑫浩语重工有限公司
  • 地址: 山东省济南市天桥区蓝翔路57号8-132
  • 联系: 杨先生
  • 手机: 15064027919
  • 微信:
  • 一键开店


我们产品规格齐全,广泛应用于重汽、陕汽、一汽、北奔、欧曼、东风、矿车、欧系卡车、山推、三一重工、减速机、搅拌车等各种卡车及工程机械。多年来公司依靠先进的计算机网络管理、走专业化道路和充足齐全的现货库存,及时快捷的发运方式,形成了完善的销售服务体系,赢得了我们在各行业中拥有了众多客户群,也为上千家经销商提供了优质的轴承产品和服务。我们以合理的商品 价位,快捷的物流递送、优质的服务,以及强大的技术力量,赢得了广大的客户的支持与信赖真正实现了公司与客户的双赢。 自成立以来在消费者当中享有较高的地位,我们与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。 我们不断的完善与其扩大规模,形成了稳定的销售网络为众多行业提供了品质优越的轴承产品,加速了各行业前进的脚步。



Jinn Xinhoyu Hevy Industry Co., L. specilizes in e production nd sles of tpered roller berings, cylindricl roller berings, clutch relese berings, nd bll berings. Since its estblishment, it hs lwys dhered to e business principle of "Credit is life", wheer it is for customers or for mnufcturers to be "integrity-bsed, complince wi stndrds". It is hiled s "contrct-honoring nd trustwory" unit by mny business units, nd hs gined good reputtion in e industry.

Our products hve complete specifictions nd re widely used in vrious trucks nd construction mchinery such s Sinotruk,Shnxi Automobile, FAW, Beiben, Aumn, Dongfeng, mining trucks, Europen trucks, Shntui, Sny Hevy Industry, reducers,

mixers, etc. . Over e yers, e compny hs relied on dvnced computer network mngement, specilized rods, sufficient nd complete stocks, nd timely nd fst shipping meods to form complete sles service system, which hs won us lrge

number of customer groups in vrious industries. Thousnds of distributors provide high-qulity bering products nd services.Wi resonble commodity prices, fst logistics delivery, high-qulity services, nd strong technicl force, we hve won e support nd trust of our customers nd hve truly chieved win-win sitution for e compny nd customers. Since its estblishment, it hs enjoyed high position mong consumers, nd we hve estblished long-term nd s coopertive

reltions wi mny retilers nd gents. Wi continuous improvement nd expnsion, we hve formed s sles network to provide high-qulity bering products for mny industries, nd ccelerte e progress of vrious industries.

We lwys dhere to e business tenet of "integrity" nd tke "integrity, prgmtism, nd win-win" s our business philosophy; A complete rnge of products is e only element for us to seize mrket trends. relible qulity is importnt for us to win e trust of customers Gurntee; good service is our pride in winning e mrket nd looking to e future;providing relible qulity bering products is our lwys gol; sincerely looking forwrd to working wi more customers nd

friends to work togeer to crete tomorrow. You re welcome to inquire nd serve you wholehertedly!

Looking forwrd to e future, we will overcome difficulties long e wy, wi more ctive nd full work pssion nd cler understnding of scientific rtionlity, we will forge [[[hed]]], pioneer nd innovte, nd crete more brillint tomorrow.



  • 主营: 济南圆锥滚子轴承生产,济南圆柱滚子轴承销售,济南离合器分离轴承
  • 地址: 山东省济南市天桥区蓝翔路57号8-132
  • 联系: 杨先生
  • 手机: 15064027919
  • 邮箱: jnxhyzg@163.com
  • 微信:
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