



永恒照明位于中国工业强镇,中山市小榄镇,毗邻中国灯都古镇。是一家专业生产LED户内、户外亮化照明的高科技生产企业。 公司主要产品有:LED护栏管、LED点光源、LED投光灯、LED隧道灯、LED射灯、LED壁灯、LED星光灯、LED地埋灯、LED水底灯、LED工矿灯、LED灯杯、LED天花灯、LED软硬灯条、LED玉米灯、球泡等系列产品。公司产品严把质量关、品质优良、持久耐用、广泛应用于城市夜景亮化、商业场馆、公共建筑、桥梁、公园和各种娱乐场所。 永恒的成立是以打造优质、耐用、节能的亮化照明产品,创建永恒的产品和品牌。我们以高标准、严要求、人性化和精细化的管理融入于生产的每一个环节。确保每一件产品的出厂,都具备着永恒的品质标准要求。我们坚持产品没有,只有更好只有对照明灯具不断的创新改进,对员工以家的理念关怀,才能生产出更好的产品。我们的宗旨是诚信做人,合作共赢。做良心产品,赚良心钱。用精湛的工业技术;新颖优质的产品;现代的管理设计理念;用户至上的服务态度与广大客户真诚合作、开创国内国际市场。争创知名的名族品牌,携手共创永恒的美好明天

Yong Heng Lighting ,located in Xiao Lan town and near Gu town.,which is specialized in LED production. The products we produce are of high quality and durable, which are widely used in night scene, business square, public works, bridges, parks and public place of entertainment in any city. Our main products include LED digital tube 、LED source light、LED floodlight、LED tunnel light、LED projection light 、LED wall light 、LED star light 、LED underground light 、LED underwater light 、LED high bay light 、LED spot light 、LED ceiling light、LED corn light 、 LED hard strip light 、LED bulbs etc . To ensure a best quality and long life-span, we are strict with our products, and we are establishing our own brand. We put high standards and strict requirements, human and refinement of management into every aspect of production. Ensure that every product of the factory, are equipped with the Yong Heng quality standards. We adhere to no best , only better . Only continuous innovation and improvement of lighting , and take care of the stall at the concept of family-care ,can produce better products. Our aim is Integrity - based, win-win cooperation" use the superb industrial technology; quality and innovative products; modern concept of management design; customer first attitude to cooperate with customers, create domestic and international markets. And striving for famous brand and work together for a better future of Yong Heng



  • 主营: LED景观亮化,LED户外照明,LED室内照明
  • 地址: 中山市小榄镇东宝南路28号
  • 联系: 邹从伟
  • 手机: 13242242249
  • 电话: 0760-23760585
  • 邮箱: 1604831237@qq.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 4043 次

